
Rauser on the Web


Attacking AI Underneath the Prompt: LLMOps and Security

The current discussion about security AI is all about the prompt, a natural focal point: it’s the interface, generally available to the public and evoking the world’s imagination. We can clearly see the weaknesses: the ability to generate malicious content, the problems of data privacy, the threat of injection/exploitation, and general adversarial dialogue. But this…

How do Small Teams have a Big Impact in Large Companies?

Sometimes it feels like we are swimming in a giant sea of products, people and teams. Other times we forget that there are oceans of activity going on all around us. Developing software in a large company comes with a unique set of challenges. For a small engineering team, having an org-scale impact can be…

Grateful Leadership

Practicing values in the workplace is key to a healthy culture, but we tend to focus on those relating to communication, planning or practices. I like to also reflect on how our personal values translate into the workplace. Gratitude means being thankful by showing appreciation. When we practice gratitude, we channel our thanks into action.…

The Overview Effect (in Software)

The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift that is reported by astronauts when they see the earth from outer space for the first time. It is a change brought on by experiencing the world differently. Strongly held beliefs unfold. A new mental state is acquired from seeing the whole, after a life spent living in…

Diagonal Thinking

Are you counting what’s already there? or are you looking for the uncountable?

Software Development and the Psychology of Money

I picked up The Psychology of Money because it’s light, had pretty good reviews and looked like a quick read. All of these promises came true, but I didn’t expect to apply the lessons to software! The book mainly revolves around two things that are hard to integrate into our every day thinking – 1)…

Notes on a Learning Organization

Building software products means coping with complexity. Our products are highly interconnected systems of systems. Dynamics are difficult to model; outcomes can be difficult to predict. Ivory towers crumble on this unstable ground. It is not sufficient to have one person deciding for the whole group, everyone following the direction of a “grand strategist”. Decision-making…

Are You Telling the Story of Your Software?

Stories connect the analytic with the synthetic: Analytic thinking deconstructs the problem, creating knowledge; Synthetic thinking puts the problem back together again, creating understanding.

Don’t Mix the Paint! Primitives and Composites in the World of Software

This Article was Originally Published in InfoQ on August 16th What color do you think of when you hear the word “red”? Ask 100 people, they will give you 100 different answers. Even with an anchor to help—a can of Coke, perhaps—there will be differences. So begins The Interaction of Color by Josef Albers, where…

Collaboration Calculus

Two of my favourite books show us the yin and yang of success – the individual and the team. Dan Pink’s Drive describes three key areas of motivation and personal growth: Autonomy: The desire to be self-directed Mastery: The urge to get better skills Purpose: The need to work with meaning Meanwhile, in David Marquet’s Turn the Ship…

Synthetic Management

Synthetic Management is the use of empirical and experience-based management practices to support synthetic work

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